3 - 25
Study for B of I, LA 2012
Study for RTCF #4, NYC 2009
Redemption through clever footwork, NYC 2009
The New Horizon. NYC 2009
Shadow talkers #4, NYC 2009
Meaningless words for Alwin, NYC 2009
Picking the flesh from the bones, NYC 2009
Too much emphasis on gold #1. NYC 2009
Too much emphasis on gold #2. NYC 2009
For the benefit of Mr Kite, LA 2013
Rock Creek, 1. 2014
Rock Creek, 2. 2014
Gaudalasca Trail 1. 2014
Laminar flow, Prague & LA.
Razorback Mountain 1. 2014
Dancing without envy, or consequences, NYC 2009
Dancing with consequences, LA 2012
Pound for Pound. NYC 2009
Entropy and the Great Void, NYC 2009
Chicago shut your mouth, Chicago 2011
Sometimes she sees these things, NYC 2009
Yellow wall, NYC 2009
Meme #2, LA 2010
Lincoln Center, NYC, 2010
The long ride home, LA 2010
Copyright Robert Pearson 2013 all rights reserved, do not use any images without permission, contact Rob Pearson at for license and clearance information